About Us

Imagine, for a moment, a different world. A world in which teachers, construction workers, nurses and home care workers are valued for their contributions to society. A world in which we, the people, make decisions about how to allocate resources, not wealthy CEO’s, massive corporations, or corrupt politicians.

Building that world is at the heart of what we do at The Democracy Collaborative. Because we can all feel what isn’t working with our world today. The multiplying and intersecting crises of inequality, climate change, and systemic racism are taking an immense toll on our planet and people. We feel the oceans warming and we see the enrichment of the richest few in plain sight.

This system is broken, and it is leading the planet to disaster. We believe this system must be replaced with a democratic economy. What we mean by that is a different world, in which we don’t value endless growth for its own sake, or in which the only goal of society is to produce as much wealth as possible for a select few while the rest of us merely struggle to pay rent.

Transforming society this way will not be easy. Entrenched institutions like the status quo, because they profit from it. We will need to transform entire industries – from banking to health care – to make the economy work for the common good, instead of just to produce wealth for a select few. That’s where we come in. We’re doing the work of figuring out how to get from the world we live in today to the democratic economy that’s needed in order to take on the biggest challenges of our age. Our ideas aren’t partisan or ideological, or full of academic orthodoxy. We’re The Democracy Collaborative, and we’re helping showcase ideas whose time has come. Join us.