Stephanie McHenry explains the success of “the Cleveland model” in Canadian podcast

TDC Chief Executive Officer Stephanie McHenry discusses with the Community Wealth Canada Podcast the success of the Evergreen Cooperatives in Cleveland, Ohio. She explains how, during the past 18 years, “the Cleveland model”  has used a combination of local procurement and worker cooperatives to get money into marginalized communities and create quality jobs while protecting the planet.. 

During the podcast, McHenry points out that Community Wealth Building helps both community and government leaders see and appreciate their assets and how they can amplify those assets via various forms of democratic ownership through a virtuous cycle that yields good jobs, community reinvestment, and public engagement. The crises communities face ”are not accidental; these are issues that have been created” by an extractive economic system that concentrates wealth and power “and there are solutions to them. It's not inevitable that economies have to operate in this way.”


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