Communications Team Communications Team

On continuing the legacy

Working with my colleague Stephanie McHenry, our new Chief Executive Officer, we will bring new energy and focus to TDC’s mission of political-economic institutional change. We want to see a new era of Community Wealth Building and democratic economy policy and strategy, to show that there are real alternatives, powerful answers that already work on the ground and can now be im

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Communications Team Communications Team

Landback through Land Reform

In recent years, it has become increasingly common to acknowledge the original indigenous inhabitants of land on which current activities take place. However, these rhetorical land acknowledgments are meaningless without concrete steps to address and rectify the theft and expropriation of land that took place. So, what could a reparative program look like? Read on to find out.

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Communications Team Communications Team

Community wealth building showcased on The Laura Flanders Show

Award-winning journalist Laura Flanders has just released a half hour documentary called “Community Wealth Building: An Economic Reset.” The film traces the evolution of Community Wealth Building from its origins in Cleveland Ohio with the Evergreen Cooperatives to the “Preston Model” in England, and on to North Ayrshire in Scotland where the city council has initiated a comprehensive CWB strategy.

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Yanver Abrenica Yanver Abrenica

A brief history of community wealth building

Community wealth building (CWB) has a rich history, inspired by global movements to address economic inequalities – from the modern cooperative endeavors of Ujamaa in Tanzania and the Mondragon Cooperatives in the Basque Coast of Spain, through European welfarism and socialism to the laboratories of democracy in the US that bubbled up during the New Deal to become our social security system. 

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Communications Team Communications Team

Challenges addressed by community wealth building

The challenges our cities and communities face in this moment are many: a fair and equitable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Staving off climate catastrophe. A long-overdue reckoning with systemic racism and injustice. War and global instability. Each threatens the lives and livelihoods of all people, and especially the poor and working-class people in front line communities.

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