Action guide for advancing Community Wealth Building in the United States
Community Wealth Building (CWB) is an economic development model that transforms local economies based on communities having direct ownership and control of their assets.
A new era for community wealth building
Every local government official, city leader, and activist in the United States understands a simple truth in this moment: too many Americans are hurting. Many are living through the most challenging time in their lives.
A “new direction”: Rediscovering community wealth building in an age of gentrification
Gentrification is a sinister contagion spreading through Black communities across America. After years of economic oppression and deprivation, the Black community now stands at the edge of perhaps the greatest displacement since the Great Migration.
Constructing the Democratic Public Bank: A governance proposal for Los Angeles
In October 2019, the state of California passed AB-857, a historic law to charter 10 local public banks. Efforts to incorporate these public banks are now underway across the state.
Revisiting community control of land and housing in the wake of COVID-19
The United States is experiencing an acute, long-term land and housing crisis. Decades of racist and exclusionary public policy along with rising housing costs in many communities have intersected with other structural economic problems, such as low wages and high debt loads, to drive up racial and generational inequality and supercharge displacement and community instability.
Community wealth building: The path towards a democratic and reparative political economic system
After a year of chaos and turmoil related to the COVID-19 pandemic and its social, economic, and political effects, we find ourselves faced with the question of what comes next. Down one path lies the notion of returning to business as usual, which in truth is a dangerous and impossible fantasy.
Democratic by Design: A new community wealth building vision for the British economy after COVID-19
We are at a historic juncture. If we can secure a transformative and green recovery from Covid-19, the crisis could prove a watershed moment - a break from an unsustainable present and unjust past towards a reparative future anchored in a purposeful, inclusive economy.
Building Resiliency through Green Infrastructure: A Community Wealth Building Approach
Creating climate-resilient cities takes more than a series of infrastructure investments; more than sea walls and permeable pavement. It takes investment in people.
Community Control of Land and Housing: Exploring strategies for combating displacement, expanding ownership, and building community wealth
A historical legacy of displacement and exclusion, firmly rooted in racism and discriminatory public policy, has fundamentally restricted access to land and housing and shaped ownership dynamics, particularly for people of color and low-income communities.
Building Community Capacity for Energy Democracy: A Deck of Strategies
Energy democracy is the simple idea that the transition we urgently need to clean, renewable sources of energy should be accomplished hand-in-hand with the expansion of a more equitable economy and of a more participatory democracy.
Broad-Based Ownership Models as Tools for Job Creation and Community Development
As cities wrestle with the growing challenge of wealth inequality, more and more leaders are looking to broad-based ownership models as tools to create jobs and build community wealth.
Educate and Empower: Tools for Building Community Wealth
Our new report Educate and Empower, authored by Keane Bhatt and Steve Dubb, draws on case studies of 11 different community economic development initiatives from across the United States to highlight a diverse set of powerful answers to these critical questions.